Minggu, 25 Maret 2018


No Item Code Item Name
1 ipbhp01 Bless HP Potion 100
2 ipbhp02 Bless HP Potion 250
3 ipbhp03 Bless HP Potion 500
4 ipbhp04 Bless HP Potion 1000
5 ipbhp05 Bless HP Potion 2000
6 ipbhp06 Bless HP Potion 3000
7 ipbhp07 Bless HP Potion 4000
8 ipbhp08 Bless HP Potion 5000
9 ipchp01 Pope HP Potion 100
10 ipchp02 Pope HP Potion 250
11 ipchp03 Pope HP Potion 500
12 ipchp04 Pope HP Potion 1000
13 ipchp05 Pope HP Potion 2000
14 ipchp06 Pope HP Potion 3000
15 ipchp07 Pope HP Potion 4000
16 ipchp08 Pope HP Potion 5000
17 ipahp01 Aid HP Charger 100
18 ipahp02 Aid HP Charger 250
19 ipahp03 Aid HP Charger 500
20 ipahp04 Aid HP Charger 1000
21 ipahp05 Aid HP Charger 2000
22 ipahp06 Aid HP Charger 3000
23 ipahp07 Aid HP Charger 4000
24 ipahp08 Aid HP Charger 5000
25 ipbfp01 Aid FP Potion 50
26 ipbfp02 Aid FP Potion 125
27 ipbfp03 Aid FP Potion 250
28 ipbfp04 Aid FP Potion 500
29 ipbfp05 Aid FP Potion 1000
30 ipbfp06 Aid FP Potion 1500
31 ipbfp07 Aid FP Potion 2000
32 ipbfp08 Aid FP Potion 2500
33 ipcfp01 Priest FP Potion 50
34 ipcfp02 Priest FP Potion 125
35 ipcfp03 Priest FP Potion 250
36 ipcfp04 Priest FP Potion 500
37 ipcfp05 Priest FP Potion 1000
38 ipcfp06 Priest FP Potion 1500
39 ipcfp07 Priest FP Potion 2000
40 ipcfp08 Priest FP Potion 2500
41 ipafp01 Mirror FP Charger 50
42 ipafp02 Mirror FP Charger 125
43 ipafp03 Mirror FP Charger 250
44 ipafp04 Mirror FP Charger 500
45 ipafp05 Mirror FP Charger 1000
46 ipafp06 Mirror FP Charger 1500
47 ipafp07 Mirror FP Charger 2000
48 ipafp08 Mirror FP Charger 2500
49 ipbsp01 Care Stamina Potion 100
50 ipbsp02 Care Stamina Potion 200
51 ipbsp03 Care Stamina Potion 400
52 ipbsp04 Care Stamina Potion 800
53 ipcsp01 Bishop Stamina Potion 100
54 ipcsp02 Bishop Stamina Potion 200
55 ipcsp03 Bishop Stamina Potion 400
56 ipcsp04 Bishop Stamina Potion 800
57 ipasp01 Optimus Stamina Charger 100
58 ipasp02 Optimus Stamina Charger 200
59 ipasp03 Optimus Stamina Charger 400
60 ipasp04 Optimus Stamina Charger 800
61 ipbad00 Adrenalin Potion(Bellato)
62 ipcad00 Adrenalin Potion (Cora)
63 ipaad00 Over Drive Charger
64 ipbhp00 Training Bless HP Potion 100
65 ipchp00 Training Pope HP Potion 100
66 ipahp00 Training Venom HP Charger 100
67 ipbfp00 Training Aid FP Potion 50
68 ipcfp00 Training Priest FP Potion 50
69 ipafp00 Training Mirror FP Charger 50
70 ipbsp00 Training Care Stamina Potion 100
71 ipcsp00 Training Bishop Stamina Potion 100
72 ipasp00 Training Optimus Stamina Charger 100
73 ipbcu00 Cure Potion (Bellato)
74 ipccu00 Cure Potion (Cora)
75 ipacu00 Cure Charger (Accretia)
76 ipbnp01 Bless HP Potion 100(No Delay)
77 ipbnp02 Bless HP Potion 250(No Delay)
78 ipbnp03 Bless HP Potion 500(No Delay)
79 ipbnp04 Bless HP Potion 1000(No Delay)
80 ipbnp05 Bless HP Potion 2000(No Delay)
81 ipbnp06 Bless HP Potion 3000(No Delay)
82 ipbnp07 Bless HP Potion 4000(No Delay)
83 ipbnp08 Bless HP Potion 5000(No Delay)
84 ipcnp01 Pope HP Potion 100(No Delay)
85 ipcnp02 Pope HP Potion 250(No Delay)
86 ipcnp03 Pope HP Potion 500(No Delay)
87 ipcnp04 Pope HP Potion 1000(No Delay)
88 ipcnp05 Pope HP Potion 2000(No Delay)
89 ipcnp06 Pope HP Potion 3000(No Delay)
90 ipcnp07 Pope HP Potion 4000(No Delay)
91 ipcnp08 Pope HP Potion 5000(No Delay)
92 ipanp01 Aid HP Charger 100(No Delay)
93 ipanp02 Aid HP Charger 250(No Delay)
94 ipanp03 Aid HP Charger 500(No Delay)
95 ipanp04 Aid HP Charger 1000(No Delay)
96 ipanp05 Aid HP Charger 2000(No Delay)
97 ipanp06 Aid HP Charger 3000(No Delay)
98 ipanp07 Aid HP Charger 4000(No Delay)
99 ipanp08 Aid HP Charger 5000(No Delay)
100 ipeee01 Chestnut
101 ipeee02 Jujube
102 ipeee03 Red-ripe Persimmon
103 ipeee04 Pine Needled Rice Cake
104 ipeee05 Pine Needled Mugwort Rice Cake
105 ipeee06 SuperChestnut
106 ipbad01 Advanced Adrenalin Potion(Bellato)
107 ipcad01 Advanced Adrenalin Potion(Cora)
108 ipaad01 Advanced Over Drive Charger
109 ipeee07 Groundnut
110 ipeee08 Walnut
111 ipeee09 Pine Nut
112 ipbax01 Burst Potion(Bellato)
113 ipbax02 Burst Potion(Cora)
114 ipbax03 Offense Charger
115 ipbdx01 Protect Potion(Bellato)
116 ipbdx02 Protect Potion(Cora)
117 ipbdx03 Defense Charger
118 ipbco01 Composed Potion(Bellato)
119 ipcco01 Composed Potion(Cora)
120 ipaco01 Composed Charger
121 iptwe01 Candy
122 iptwe02 ChristmasCandy
123 ipeex01 Cake
124 ipeex02 DeliciousCandy
125 ipeex03 DeliciousChristmasCandy
126 ipeex04 DeliciousCake
127 ipeex05 Christmas AttackPowerIncrease50Potion
128 ipeex06 Christmas DefensePowerIncrease50Potion
129 ipeex07 Advanced Composed Potion(Bellato)
130 ipeex08 Advanced Composed Potion(Cora)
131 ipbco02 Advanced Composed Charger
132 ipcco02 GuangWooPotion
133 ipaco02 JikNeoSacredWater
134 ipdbr01 OGokBab
135 ipdbr02 Yaksik
136 ipdbr03 Fullmoon Offensive Potion
137 ipdbr04 Fullmoon Defensive Potion
138 ipdbr05 Fullmoon Composed Potion
139 ipbch01 BlessHPPotion 4000(Archon)
140 ipcch01 PopeHPPotion 4000(Archon)
141 ipach01 AidHPPotion 4000(Archon)
142 ipbhp10 BlessHPPotion+3200(ExpensiveNPC)
143 ipchp10 PopeHPPotion+3200(ExpensiveNPC)
144 ipahp10 AidHPCharger+3200(ExpensiveNPC)
145 ipbhp20 BlessHPPotion+3500(ExpensiveNPC)
146 ipchp20 PopeHPPotion+3500(ExpensiveNPC)
147 ipahp20 AidHPCharger+3500(ExpensiveNPC)
148 ipcha01 Chaos Potion(Bellato)
149 ipcha02 Chaos Potion(Cora)
150 ipcha03 Chaos Charger(Accretia)
151 ipcha04 Chaos CurePotion(Bellato)
152 ipcha05 Chaos CurePotion(Cora)
153 ipcha06 Chaos CureCharger(Accretia)
154 ipbde04 Small Protect Potion(Bellato)
155 ipbde05 Small Protect Potion(Cora)
156 ipbde06 Small Defense Charger(Accretia)
157 ipbae01 Bust Potion[Quest](Bellato)
158 ipbae02 Bust Potion[Quest](Cora)
159 ipbae03 Offense Charger[Quest]
160 ipbde01 Protect Potion[Quest](Bellato)
161 ipbde02 Protect Potion[Quest](Cora)
162 ipbde03 Defense Charger[Quest]
163 ipbhx00 Training BlessHPPotion+250
164 ipchx00 Training PopeHPPotion+250
165 ipahx00 Training AidHPCharger+250
166 ipcsa01 Burst Potion[Premium](Bellato)
167 ipcsa02 Burst Potion[Premium](Cora)
168 ipcsa03 Offense Charger[Premium](Accretia)
169 ipcsa04 Protect Potion[Premium](Bellato)
170 ipcsa05 Protect Potion[Premium](Cora)
171 ipcsa06 Defense Charger[Premium](Accretia)
172 ipcsa07 Composed Potion[Premium](Bellato)
173 ipcsa08 Composed Potion[Premium](Cora)
174 ipcsa09 Composed Charger[Premium](Accretia)
175 ipcsa10 BlessHPPotion+2500[Premium](Bellato)
176 ipcsa11 PopeHPPotion+2500[Premium](Cora)
177 ipcsa12 AidHPCharger+2500[Premium](Accretia)
178 ipcsa13 BlessHPPotion+4000[Premium](Bellato)
179 ipcsa14 PopeHPPotion+4000[Premium](Cora)
180 ipcsa15 AidHPCharger+4000[Premium](Accretia)
181 ipcsa16 Burst Protect Potion(Bellato)
182 ipcsa17 Burst Protect Potion(Cora)
183 ipcsa18 Burst Protect Charger(Accretia)
184 ipcsa19 Critical Potion(Bellato)
185 ipcsa20 Critical Potion(Cora)
186 ipcsa21 Critical Charger(Accretia)
187 ipcsa22 BuildUp Potion(Bellato)
188 ipcsa23 BuildUp Potion(Cora)
189 ipcsa24 BuildUp Charger(Accretia)
190 ipcsa25 QuickSkill Potion(Bellato)
191 ipcsa26 QuickSkill Potion(Cora)
192 ipcsa27 QuickSkill Charger(Accretia)
193 ipcsa28 Stealth Potion(Bellato)
194 ipcsa29 StealthPotion(Cora)
195 ipcsa30 Stealth Charger(Accretia)
196 ipcsa31 Smart Potion(Bellato)
197 ipcsa32 Smart Potion(Cora)
198 ipcsa33 Smart Charger(Accretia)
199 ipcsa34 Cure Potion(Bellato)
200 ipcsa35 Cure Potion(Cora)
201 ipcsa36 Cure Charger(Accretia)
202 ipcsa37 Cure Potion[Premium](Bellato)
203 ipcsa38 Cure Potion[Premium](Cora)
204 ipcsa39 Cure Charger[Premium](Accretia)
205 ipcsa40 Bust Critical Potion(Bellato)
206 ipcsa41 Bust Critical Potion(Cora)
207 ipcsa42 Offense Critical Charger(Accretia)
208 ipcsa43 BuildUp Protect Potion(Bellato)
209 ipcsa44 BuildUp Protect Potion(Cora)
210 ipcsa45 BuildUp Defense Charger(Accretia)
211 ipcsa46 Bust QuickSkill Potion(Bellato)
212 ipcsa47 Bust QuickSkill Potion(Cora)
213 ipcsa48 Offense QuickSkill Charger(Accretia)
214 ipcsa49 Bust Composed Potion(Bellato)
215 ipcsa50 Bust Composed Potion(Cora)
216 ipcsa51 Offense Composed Charger(Accretia)
217 ipcsa52 BuildUp Protect Potion[Premium](Bellato)
218 ipcsa53 BuildUp Protect Potion[Premium](Cora)
219 ipcsa54 BuildUp Defense Charger[Premium](Accretia)
220 ipcsa55 Bust Composed QuickSkill Potion(Bellato)
221 ipcsa56 Bust Composed QuickSkill Potion(Cora)
222 ipcsa57 Offense Composed QuickSkill Charger(Accretia)
223 ipcsa58 Bust Composed Smart Potion(Bellato)
224 ipcsa59 Bust Composed Smart Potion(Cora)
225 ipcsa60 Offense Composed Smart Charger(Accretia)
226 ipcsa61 Bust Protect Composed Potion(Bellato)
227 ipcsa62 Bust Protect Composed Potion(Cora)
228 ipcsa63 Offense Defense Composed Charger(Accretia)
229 ipcsa64 Bust Protect Composed QuickSkill Potion(Bellato)
230 ipcsa65 Bust Protect Composed QuickSkill Potion(Cora)
231 ipcsa66 Offense Defense Composed QuickSkill Charger(Accretia)
232 ipcsa67 Bust Smart Composed QuickSkill Potion(Bellato)
233 ipcsa68 Bust Smart Composed QuickSkill Potion(Cora)
234 ipcsa69 Offense Smart Composed QuickSkill Charger(Accretia)
235 ipcsa70 BlessHPPotion+5000[Premium](Bellato)
236 ipcsa71 PopeHPPotion+5000[Premium](Cora)
237 ipcsa72 AidHPCharger+5000[Premium](Accretia)
238 ipwem01 Lone Wolf(Winter Event)
239 ipwef01 Fox`s Mark(Winter Event)
240 ipcsa73 ClassRedefine Capsule
241 ipbad02 Maximum Adrenalin Potion(Bellato)
242 ipcad02 Maximum Adrenalin Potion(Cora)
243 ipaad02 Maximum Adrenalin Charger
244 ipbde07 Maximum Protection Potion(Bellato)
245 ipbde08 Maximum Protection Potion(Cora)
246 ipbde09 Maximum Protection Charger
247 ipdrw01 Concentrated Poison
248 ipdrw02 Berserker`s Vial
249 ipdrw03 Cremul Snatcher`s Cast Net
250 ipncl01 AfterEffect Recovery Capsule
251 ipacu01 Cure Charger(Accretia 4secs)
252 ipbfp09 AidFPPotion+50
253 ipbfp10 AidFPPotion+125
254 ipbfp11 AidFPPotion+250
255 ipbfp12 AidFPPotion+500
256 ipbfp13 AidFPPotion+1000
257 ipbfp14 AidFPPotion+1500
258 ipbfp15 AidFPPotion+2000
259 ipbfp16 AidFPPotion+2500
260 ipcfp09 PriestFPPotion+50
261 ipcfp10 PriestFPPotion+125
262 ipcfp11 PriestFPPotion+250
263 ipcfp12 PriestFPPotion+500
264 ipcfp13 PriestFPPotion+1000
265 ipcfp14 PriestFPPotion+1500
266 ipcfp15 PriestFPPotion+2000
267 ipcfp16 PriestFPPotion+2500
268 ipafp09 MirrorFPCharger+50
269 ipafp10 MirrorFPCharger+125
270 ipafp11 MirrorFPCharger+250
271 ipafp12 MirrorFPCharger+500
272 ipafp13 MirrorFPCharger+1000
273 ipafp14 MirrorFPCharger+1500
274 ipafp15 MirrorFPCharger+2000
275 ipafp16 MirrorFPCharger+2500
276 ipche01 NameChange Potion
277 ipcal01 Summon Potion
278 ipwhp01 Teleport Potion
279 ipexp01 Gain 1%EXP Potion
280 ipexp02 Gain 100millionEXP Potion
281 ipgag01 DefenceGauge recovery potion
282 iprun01 Exile Rune
283 iprun02 Destruction Rune
284 iprun03 Oblivion Rune
285 iprun04 Restraint Rune
286 iprun05 Darkness Rune
287 iprun06 Convert Rune
288 iprun07 Swift Rune
289 iprun08 Escape Rune
290 iprun09 Defense Rune
291 ipgag02 DefenseGauge recovery potion 150
292 ipgag03 DefenseGauge recovery potion 100
293 ipgag04 DefenseGauge recovery potion 50
294 ipgag05 DefenseGauge recovery potion 40
295 ipgag06 DefenseGauge recovery potion 30
296 ipgag07 DefenseGauge recovery potion 20
297 ipgag08 DefenseGauge recovery potion 10
298 ipftr01 Trap Detector 5secs
299 ipftr02 Trap Detector 1minute
300 ipabc01 Elf`s Blood
301 ipabc02 Elf`s Tear
302 ipcsb01 Increase EXP gained by 50% for 30 min.
303 ipcsb02 Increase EXP gained by 100% for 1 hr.
304 ipcsb03 x1 PT gains.
305 ipcsb04 x2 PT gains.
306 ipcsb05 x4 PT gains.
307 ipcsb06 Increase DROP RATE by 50% for 30 min.
308 ipcsb07 Increase DROP RATE by 100% for 1 hr.
309 ipcsb08 x2 MINE RATE for 30 min.
310 ipcsb09 x4 MINE RATE for 30 min.
311 ipgag09 Upgrade DefenseGauge recovery potion
312 ipcsa74 Original place revival potion.
313 ipdou01 PotionBuff ExpansionCapsule
314 ipexp03 Small EXP gain potion
315 ipqsa01 Queen Crook Leg Food
316 ipqsa07 Najaal`s Crystal
317 ipqsa08 Ironman`s Potion
318 ipqsa09 Customized BloodSucker
319 ipqsa10 EXP Potion
320 ipevn01 Chocolate [Valentine Day Item]
321 ipevn02 Love Bouquet [Valentine Day Item]
322 ipevn03 Movement Speed+ Potion
323 ipevn04 Candy [White Day Item]
324 ipbpc01 Cafe Only Burst Potion
325 ipcpc01 Cafe Only Burst Potion
326 ipapc01 Cafe Only Offence Charger
327 ipbpc02 Cafe Only Protect Potion
328 ipcpc02 Cafe Only Protect Potion
329 ipapc02 Cafe Only Defence Charger
330 ipbpc03 Cafe Only Composed Potion
331 ipcpc03 Cafe Only Composed Potion
332 ipapc03 Cafe Only Composed Charger
333 ipbpc04 Cafe Only Smart Potion
334 ipcpc04 Cafe Only Smart Potion
335 ipapc04 Cafe Only Smart Charger
336 ipbpc05 Cafe Only BlessHPPotion+2000
337 ipbpc06 Cafe Only BlessHPPotion+3000
338 ipbpc07 Cafe Only BlessHPPotion+4000
339 ipcpc05 Cafe Only PopeHPPotion+2000
340 ipcpc06 Cafe Only PopeHPPotion+3000
341 ipcpc07 Cafe Only PopeHPPotion+4000
342 ipapc05 Cafe Only AidHPCharger+2000
343 ipapc06 Cafe Only AidHPCharger+3000
344 ipapc07 Cafe Only AidHPCharger+4000
345 ipsav01 Warehouse Expansion Capsule
346 ipcsa94 Favored cure potion 1Lv
347 ipcsa95 Favored cure potion 2Lv
348 ipcsa96 Favored cure potion 3Lv
349 ipcsa97 Favored Freedom Potion 1Lv
350 ipcsa98 Favored Freedom Potion 2Lv
351 ipcsa99 Favored Freedom Potion 3Lv
352 ipbhp09 BlessHPPotion+4000[Special](Expensive Merchant)
353 ipbhp11 BlessHPPotion+5000[Special](Expensive Merchant)
354 ipchp09 PopeHPPotion+4000[Special](Expensive Vendor)
355 ipchp11 PopeHPPotion+5000[Special](Expensive Vendor)
356 ipahp09 AidHPPotion+4000[Special](Expensive Vendor)
357 ipahp11 AidHPPotion+5000[Special](Expensive Vendor)
358 ipexp04 7% EXP Gain Potion
359 ipexp05 Small EXP Gain Potion
360 ipqsa11 DNA Capsule of Dream
361 ipqsa12 DNA Capsule of Defense
362 ipqsa13 DNA Capsule of Iron Amor
363 ipqsa14 DNA Capsule of Wild
364 ipqsa15 DNA Capsule of Double Width
365 ipqsa16 DNA Capsule of Disjoint
366 ipqsa17 DNA Capsule of Sense
367 ipqsa18 DNA Capsule of Hide
368 ipqsa19 DNA Capsule of Speed of Light
369 ipqsa20 DNA Capsule of Silence
370 ipqsa21 Buildup Burst Project Potion[Quest](Bellato)
371 ipqsa22 Buildup Burst Project Potion[Quest](Cora)
372 ipqsa23 Buildup Offense Defense Potion[Quest](Accretia)
373 ipqsa24 5% EXP Gain Potion
374 ipevn05 Roast Chestnut
375 ipevn06 Roast Sweet Potato
376 ipevn07 Hot Chocolate
377 ipftr03 Trap Detector 30seconds
378 ipgld01 Gold Capsule+1
379 ipgld02 Gold Capsule+2
380 ipgld03 Gold Capsule+3
381 ipgld04 Gold Capsule+4
382 ipgld05 Gold Capsule+5
383 ipgld06 Gold Capsule+6
384 ipgld07 Gold Capsule+7
385 ipgld08 Gold Capsule+8
386 ipgld09 Gold Capsule+9
387 ipgld10 Gold Capsule+10
388 ipgld11 Gold Capsule+11
389 ipgld12 Gold Capsule+12
390 ipgld13 Gold Capsule+13
391 ipgld14 Gold Capsule+14
392 ipgld15 Gold Capsule+15
393 ipgld16 Gold Capsule+16
394 ipgld17 Gold Capsule+17
395 ipgld18 Gold Capsule+18
396 ipgld19 Gold Capsule+19
397 ipgld20 Gold Capsule+21
398 ipgld21 Gold Capsule+22
399 ipgld22 Gold Capsule+23
400 ipgld23 Gold Capsule+24
401 ipgld24 Gold Capsule+25
402 ipgld25 Gold Capsule+26
403 ipgld26 Gold Capsule+27
404 ipgld27 Gold Capsule+28
405 ipgld28 Gold Capsule+29
406 ipgld29 Gold Capsule+3000
407 ipgld30 Gold Capsule+4000
408 ipgld31 Gold Capsule+4500
409 ipgld32 Gold Capsule+5000
410 ipgld33 Gold Capsule+5500
411 ipgld34 Gold Capsule+6000
412 ipgld35 Gold Capsule+6500
413 ipgld36 Gold Capsule+7000
414 ipgld37 Gold Capsule+7500
415 ipgld38 Gold Capsule+10000
416 ipgld39 Gold Capsule+12500
417 ipgld40 Gold Capsule+15000
418 ipgld41 Gold Capsule+17500
419 ipgld42 Gold Capsule+20000
420 ipgld43 Gold Capsule+30000
421 ipmas01 Proximity PT restriction release potion
422 ipmas02 Long range PT restriction release potion
423 ipmas03 Defense PT restriction release potion
424 ipmas04 Force PT restriction release potion
425 ipmas05 Shield PT restriction release potion
426 ipmas06 Race specilization PT restriction release potion
427 ipmas07 All PT restriction release potion
428 ipcsb10 Super Critical Potion[Cash](Bellato)
429 ipcsb11 Super Critical Potion[Cash](Cora)
430 ipcsb12 Super Critical Charger[Cash](Accretia)
431 ipcsb13 Super Smart Potion[Cash](Bellato)
432 ipcsb14 Super Smart Potion[Cash](Cora)
433 ipcsb15 Super Smart Charger[Cash](Accretia)
434 ipcal02 Instant Insuperable Summon Potion
435 ipwhp02 Instant Insuperable Movement Potion
436 ipcsb16 Invisible Potion(Bellato)
437 ipcsb17 Invisible Potion(Cora)
438 ipcsb18 Invisible Charger(Accretia)
439 ipcsb19 Quick Revival Potion
440 ipgld44 Gold Capsule+1000
441 ipsup01 Insuperable Movement Potion
442 ipcal03 Battle Summon Potion
443 ipwhp03 Battle Instant Movement Potion
444 ipwed01 Wedding Ring
445 ipfhp01 Hissy Potion
446 ipcur01 Neutralizing Potion



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